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Taranath Tantrik PDF book by Taradas Bandyopadhyay

Bangla PDF book Taranath Tantrik by Taradas Bandyopadhyay. Free download Taranath Tantrik PDF Bangla book. Taradas Bandyopadhyay is very popular among children and teenagers reader of Bangladesh. Taranath Tantrik is one of his great Detective books. This book was published in 1986. Thanks to Mitra & Ghosh Publishers for publishing the book. This Mystery eBook contains 120 pages, and PDF size is 6.72 Mb.

Book detail

    Book name: Taranath Tantrik pdf
    Writer: Taradas Bandyopadhyay
    Category: Novel
    Series: Taranath Tantrik #2
    Genres: Horror
    Publisher: Mitra & Ghosh Publishers
    Published: 1986
    Total pages: 120
    PDF Size: 1.6 MB

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